© 2024 Copyrights by The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong
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"To promote, improve and assist the advancement of hospital pharmacy service"
In the 1980's, Hong Kong already had two pharmacy professional bodies, namely the Pharmaceutical Society (PS) of Hong Kong (founded 1949) and the Practising Pharmacists Association (PPA) of Hong Kong (founded 1972). The 80’s was a time of awakening for the pharmacy profession. Apart from the struggle for Separation of Dispensing from Prescribing, the pharmacy professionals strongly advocated mandatory labelling of dispensed medicines and the establishment of a local pharmacy school.
At that time, the PS, with 3 official representatives in the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, was expected to be the organization looking after the overall interest of the pharmacy profession, while PPA was more focused on the practice and interest of community pharmacists. As the subvented hospitals (public hospitals not directly run by the HK Government) began to employ pharmacists, the number of hospital pharmacists grew steadily. Hospital pharmacists from both the private and public sectors were more aware of the need for an organization with emphasis on hospital practice. Initially a group of hospital pharmacists began to get together periodically to discuss issues of mutual interest. At one time a hospital pharmacy subcommittee was formed under the PS, until 1987, nine pioneers formally founded the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong. These nine founding members were:
The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong was formed in November 1987.
To play a leadership role in the provision of Pharmaceutical Care with the ultimate aim to improve the health of the people of Hong Kong.
Adopted in SHPHK AGM 1999